Sunday, September 6, 2015

It’s my (5th) Barkday

My Barkday Photo and Presents

It's my Barkday, and I'll Bark if I want to
Bark if I want to, Bark if I want to
You would Bark too if it happened to you.
(tee hee…I kind of changed the words to that song, Lesley Gore will forgive me.)

It really is, can you believe it, my 5th Birthday today.  I’ve been bouncing off the walls since 4:00 am this morning.  I’m so excited, I’m 35 in Dog years and I’m going to celebrate with some Melon Juice.  I know the Barkday Fairy came last night and is hiding in the Kitchen on top of the Fidgetator.  It’s Sunday, so I’m not able to tell the Mailman or the UPS Driver, how excited I am, but I’ll chase the Squirrels and make some noise at least……Nap Time….

So what does a Yorkie do on her Barkday?  Well! First of all ya gotta get all dooded out in some fine cloths, maybe a hat.  Then you make demands on “D” all day, because you know that today you are “SHE WHO CAN NOT BE DENIED”.  I’ll sit pretty, all lady like, and give him the EYES.  He’ll never know he is being manipulated, wink! Wink!  So my day started really great. 
Sammy Snake
I got up, went outside and did the normal Uno-Duo, and then I was off to play with Sammy Snake, as he and I are training to take Mount Fujiyama.  ….Nap Time…….Then I took a walk down to see Uncle Bob, he’s my favorite.  I got lots of Barkday treats down there; he spoils me, just like “D”……Little Drink….Nap Time….

We had a Party Tonight:  “D” made me a CHICKEN dinner and we’re having a Melon Cake with Whipped Cream later.  I got some wonderful presents today, I am so spoiled.  I have 2 new Hoodies and a Fox Toy that I’m going to name Freddie.
My Party, Presents and Melon Cake

It’s been a long day…..Oh! What one must endure….going to call it a night...   Thanks everybody for the Birthday wishes, its back to normal tomorrow.