How to Follow me

Hi there, this is Dolly.  Search for me on Google, (DollyYConrad) I am first on the list, how about that.  There are many ways that you can follow me but here are some simple ones, I offer you lots of choices:

Book Mark:  Of course the obvious is to bookmark my blog site using your browser.  

RSS:  Get a direct private feed that plugs you in to cool new Posts, and my blog updates the instant they’re available. It’s fast, safe, private and spam free with RSS.
This is simple and does not require any expensive software, in fact it’s free. “Really Simple Syndication” (RSS) is a web feed protocol that allows readers to obtain text and metadata from frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video, in a standardized format that can be viewed by many different programs all in one place.
For those of you who already have a reader, my RSS URL is:
If you don’t have a reader then Here is a place to get a free reader.  If you don’t want to download software, you can also get an on line reader at Google here.  You must have a Google account, but that too is free and you probably already have one if you have an Android smart phone, Google Calendar or online email.  There are also plenty of APPS for your smart phones like Droid and Iphone, just go to your Market or APP Store and down load one, follow the directions for the APP and enter my RSS URL where it tells you so subscribe.  This is my subscription address that you add:

Twitter:   is a micro blogging and social networking web site that allows its users to send and read messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page, or if you have “an APP for that”,  get it on your smart phone.  If you don’t already have a twitter account you can get one here.  My Twitter name is DollyYConrad.  I frequently Tweet while on the go, from “D”s Smart Phone and include pictures, links and other cool things, besides my articles.  Because my blog site is syndicated, all of my blog updates also get micro blogged, via Twitter too.  I also have placed a tweet viewer on the right side of this page, and those micro blogs contain links, try them out.  On the right side of my page they are visible any time you visit my blog.  If you already have a twitter account you just have to push the gadget below to get connected and follow me.

Facebook  is a social networking service and website.  If you don’t have an account you can get one here.  My facebook name is Dolly Conrad.  Since I am syndicated, all of my blog articles get automatically posted to my wall.  Already have and account,  then the Gadget  below will  take you to my facebook page.  

Dolly Conrad

Create Your Badge

Networkedblogs by Ninua: If you already have a facebook account then you can use the App Gadget below to follow me on facebook and my blogs will post to your wall.  This is a facebook App and will require authorization by you to use your wall.

Finally There is a little gadget on the right hand side of this page, just under my tweet box that says "Follow me with your Email", (You might have to scroll up a little to find it,)  This is not my email its yours.  If you enter your email address, in this box, and submit it to me, then I will email you all of my article updates, using Google "Feedburner".  You can also choose other ways to follow at "Feedburner", just use this LINK.  Oh! almost forgot there is one more way:  At the top of your browser, just above the Pink is a Black Status Bar, to the left of the word "Share".  Press on the word "Follow", if you have an account and that will get you set up too.  If you don't have an account the word will not be there, you'll have to use one of the other methods above.

There you have have it.  All the ways you can follow me and I hope you do, because "I like everybody".