Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On the Subject of .... the Beauty Paw-Lair

First Night in New Home
Since, Dogs are of ancient Linage and we are basically pack animals,  who lived in many Dens or Lairs, I refer to my grooming place as a Paw-lair (if you prefer the French Parlour, Parlor, Shop, Saloon or Salon, you can use it human, I will stick to Paw-lair for the purpose of this blog).  When I was first adopted by my “D”, I was a real mess (see photo).  I do not like to show anyone how I looked then, because as a sophisticated lady, I was embarrassed, and I have my pride.  I do, however, feel it’s important to discuss proper grooming for a lady Yorkshire, and therefore will share my experience, with you.  

Yorkshire Terriers (Yorkies) have Hair like a human, fine and silky (not a two layer coat like most dogs), some care should be taken to keep it clean, untangled and shinny.  My “D” gives me a bath, at least every two weeks or more often if I need it. I like to roll on dead frogs on my morning walks, so, sometimes I need it once a week. He uses a nice Tearless Shampoo called “Fresh ‘n Clean”, by Lambert Kay that has Vitamin E & Aloe.  I like the water so I do not put up a fuss (well not much), with the gentle spray in the sink.  After Towel Drying, I get the hot air treatment, whilst he brushes me smooth and dry.  Then he sprays me with my favorite “BuddySplash” Lavender & Mint Spritzer & Conditioner, from Cloud Star, which makes me smell really nice, brushing me a little more.  Every two months I get the royal treatment including my nails.  I get my nails cut, because I don’t like the grinding machine on my feet.

When I first came home, from the Cumberland County ASPA, in Vineland, NJ,  after my hysterectomy (this means they took out my Hoo Haa bits), I was not allowed to get wet for several weeks, until my scar healed.  My “D” was frantic and frankly so was I; I could hardly see. Because there was so much hair in my eyes and I was a tangled mess.  “D” made an appointment at Petsmart’s Grooming Paw-lair, in Vineland and finally the day came when I would be beautiful again (or so I thought).  My “D” dropped me off at the desk; they signed me up and took my vital statics.  He then indicated how he would like me to look and afterwards went into the store to look around, whilst (I’m from Yorkshire, so I use the English Whilst) I was being tended to.  Well I did not like this type of attention AT ALL; the noise, the strange people and they held me down, stretched my legs on a table, or made me stand still and attempted to “Lectrocute” me with this big metal lawnmower.  Of course I snarled and fussed, because I was scared, after all I was only 8 months old at the time.  When I did that they put this big plastic funnel around my neck, “what the Jackal”.  Needless to say, I jumped like a kangaroo over this situation.  About this time my “D” came around and peeked into the window, to watch the horror taking place (at least that was my point of view at the time).  When the Grey Haired lady, with the big crooked nose, saw my “D”, she stopped torturing me and went out to greet him, taking her broom with her.  At last they stopped this inquisition on my body.  “D” later related to me that she suggested that they give me Scopolamine, well maybe not that (I got the name from watching “The Guns of Navarone on TCM the other day), but some other DRUG, for sure, I may have misunderstood.  She also suggested to have me SHAVED.  Then she called a man over for a conference telling my “D” to get me out of there and don’t come back, as I was unmanageable.  My “D” was furious and proceeded to tell the Person (I am being nice here) to @$%#!!!^#.  I didn’t understand the words it was beyond my Barkprehension.  He said “Do you mean to tell me that you can’t handle a 6.8 pound cutie pie like her (he loves me)? “D” picked me up and left vowing never to return.  Later he did not blame Petsmart as the groomers are a separate part.

After my Beauty Visit
Checking out the side door

My “D” then called the Clayton Veterinarian, where he takes the “Big Black Monster” who lives upstairs. He asked if they had any recommendations.  They suggested “Kris’sKennel Kuts” across the street.  He made the appointment.  The day came; my “D” talked to the nice lady at the counter and told her the above story and she said “we know how to handle a lady and we have staff that specialize in Yorkies.That was two months ago and today was my next appointment. I just came back home and I look beautiful once again.  I recommend “Kris’s Kennel Kuts” in Clayton, NJ. Here is a mapIf you stop by, ask to see my friend Mary (she does my face) and say Dolly sent you.  She knows how to respect a Lady.  

Kris's Kennel Kuts, Clayton, NJ
 It just goes to show you there are bad Beauty Paw-lairs and there are good Beauty Paw-lairs, take your time and choose wisely, asking other dogs about their experience.  Every time I pass by that Groomer’s window, at Petsmart, when shopping with my “D”, I want to pee on them.  After the Beauty Paw-lair, my “D” always takes me to Barbara Anne's Downtown andoutdoor Café, in Clayton, for breakfast. They like me there and know me by name (tell you about that another time)

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