Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Second Birthday

Me on my Birthday in my Lady Ga Ga shirt

Hi everybody, can you believe another year has gone by and today I am 2 years old.  I had a really great day.  Woke up early and chased the squirrels off the porch into their tree.  My D made me a really good lobster shaped cake for my birthday and I got a lot of presents.  I got a Lady Ga Ga shirt, so now I am one of her little monsters.  I also got a Charlie Chick, a Happy Napper Billy Bear and a nice name plate for my toy box.   

He also let me play all day with my Noisy Rubber Chicken, Alfred.  I only get to play with him once in a while, because D says I drive him crazy, but he is my favorite toy.  Thanks everyone for all of the nice things you said and birthday the wishes on Facebook.  I had a really great Birthday and Party.

Here are some links to my Birthday Party videos on Youtube:

My Lobster Shaped Birthday Cake
I thought you all might be interested so I asked my D to tell me the recipe for my cake, in case you might want to make your Doggie one.  Here it is:

1 cup whole wheat flour 
1 teaspoon baking soda 
1/4 cup smashed Banana 
1/4 cup vegetable oil 
1 cup shredded carrots 
1 teaspoon vanilla 
1/3 cup honey 
1 egg

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C)
Mix together flour and baking soda. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into a ring mold sprayed with a nonstick spray for 40 minutes.

Cinnamon Frosting:
Combine the following ingredients and blend thoroughly: 
12 ounces nonfat cream cheese (room temperature) 
3 teaspoons cinnamon 
1 teaspoon vanilla 
1 teaspoon honey

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