Monday, October 7, 2013

Winter Yorkie

My blonde Hair is soft and Silky

Hi Everybody

Winter is slowly coming around the corner and I thought I would share my experience with three of them.  I know that some humans think that people are crazy for dressing up their dogs.  Maybe they are and then again maybe not so nutty.  Yorkies are special dogs and those of you that know me, know that I am VERY Special (wink wink). 

A Yorkie has one of the most distinctive coats in the canine world.  I am very much like a human, and can be very susceptible to the cold.  There is a good reason for this.  Most dogs have fur, and two coats of that, i.e., a soft undercoat and a course top coat that helps keep them warm.  These types of dogs also shed in the summer time, which prevents overheating.  The undercoat is like an insulation layer of fur in most dogs.  Yorkies, on the other hand do not have two coats and my hair is like your hair, i.e., long, silky and soft (even though my “D” keeps it cut short most of the time).  Now here comes the bonus part; because I have hair like a human, I don’t shed and my hair is hypoallergenic. The down side of this type of insulation is that I don’t like the cold, I prefer warm surroundings.  How is this accomplished, you say?  It’s accomplished by having a human that takes care of that need.  This of course includes an assortment of Shirts, Hoodies, Sweaters, Coats and Shoes. (OK Halloween is mostly for fun, not function)

I have a nice house that keeps me out of drafts when they annoy me. 
My house is Quilted and keeps out drafts

I have a nice warm bed and blankets to sleep on or under if I get cold.
Warm blanket... my favorite is Cashmere

When I go out, I have Sweaters and Hoodies for when there is a chill in the air
I love sweaters

I have several winter jackets when it’s really cold, including a Parka and when the air is below freezing my “D” won’t let me stay outside very long (not that I want to)

Let’s not forget my feet.  My feet are very tender and can get burned on hot roads in summer or frozen on cold ones in winter.

A Parka for really cold days and Uggs when the frost is on the Pumpkin
Do you know where the best place to keep warm in my house is?  When I am chilled at night, I like to creep under the blanket and snuggle up behind my “D”.  He is like a big furnace in a log cabin.  I like to snuggle behind him and lay very quiet so as to disturb his sleep.  Ahhhhh what a life.

One final note; even with a coat, your Yorkie is at risk for hypothermia during the winter. Signs of hypothermia include uncontrollable shivering and lethargy (that means lazy). If you see any of these symptoms, bring your dog inside immediately. If that's not possible, pick him/her up and hold him/her inside your jacket in the meantime.
There you have it, that’s the truth, cross my paws.  Until next time.

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