Wednesday, October 28, 2015

On the Subject of Tricycle Tops

Roarrr I'm a Dino-Sour


Hi, it’s Dolly:  This year for my 5th Halloween, I have decided to be a Tricycle Tops Dino-Sour complete with Cave Man.  I wasn’t sure what a Trycycle Tops was at first, so I did a little research at the Barkibrary.   


First of all I found out I was saying the name wrong, it’s Triceratops.  The Triceratops was a plant eating animal, with 3 horns, that live in what is now North America around 68 Million years ago (that’s 9.7 million dog years and that’s a long time ago).   His name means Three Horned Face, but that’s all Greek to me.  They were about 30 feet long and 9 feet high.  How do we know this, you ask?  It was from their bones, some of which are in museums like the Smithsonian and the Natural History in Washington, DC and New York.  They probably had skin like a modern day Elephant and were thought to be herding animals that grazed on low plants and Vegetation and not Yorkies. 

Even though I have a caveman on my back, people didn’t exist that long ago and neither did Yorkies.  It’s a big myth that the Fred Flintstone started in Bedrock, and has no basis in reality (it’s called Poetic License in writing).  I thought it would be fun, so here I am.  What do you think? 

Halloween 2015
Get those Treats ready….I Like Chicken Treats…..Hear I come, hear me ROAR…..Happy Halloween…Love Dolly


Sunday, September 6, 2015

It’s my (5th) Barkday

My Barkday Photo and Presents

It's my Barkday, and I'll Bark if I want to
Bark if I want to, Bark if I want to
You would Bark too if it happened to you.
(tee hee…I kind of changed the words to that song, Lesley Gore will forgive me.)

It really is, can you believe it, my 5th Birthday today.  I’ve been bouncing off the walls since 4:00 am this morning.  I’m so excited, I’m 35 in Dog years and I’m going to celebrate with some Melon Juice.  I know the Barkday Fairy came last night and is hiding in the Kitchen on top of the Fidgetator.  It’s Sunday, so I’m not able to tell the Mailman or the UPS Driver, how excited I am, but I’ll chase the Squirrels and make some noise at least……Nap Time….

So what does a Yorkie do on her Barkday?  Well! First of all ya gotta get all dooded out in some fine cloths, maybe a hat.  Then you make demands on “D” all day, because you know that today you are “SHE WHO CAN NOT BE DENIED”.  I’ll sit pretty, all lady like, and give him the EYES.  He’ll never know he is being manipulated, wink! Wink!  So my day started really great. 
Sammy Snake
I got up, went outside and did the normal Uno-Duo, and then I was off to play with Sammy Snake, as he and I are training to take Mount Fujiyama.  ….Nap Time…….Then I took a walk down to see Uncle Bob, he’s my favorite.  I got lots of Barkday treats down there; he spoils me, just like “D”……Little Drink….Nap Time….

We had a Party Tonight:  “D” made me a CHICKEN dinner and we’re having a Melon Cake with Whipped Cream later.  I got some wonderful presents today, I am so spoiled.  I have 2 new Hoodies and a Fox Toy that I’m going to name Freddie.
My Party, Presents and Melon Cake

It’s been a long day…..Oh! What one must endure….going to call it a night...   Thanks everybody for the Birthday wishes, its back to normal tomorrow.


Friday, May 8, 2015

4th Addoption Anniversary

It's Me, When I was first Adopted and NOW
"My First owner, (I don’t remember him anymore), was an elderly gentleman who had to go into an assisted living home, and they would not let him keep me.  So, at an early age of 8 months, I was left on the door step (figuratively speaking), abandoned, of the Cumber County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, In Vineland, New Jersey (CCSPCA).  There are some very nice people there, like Robyn and Christine, who are now my Facebook friends, but I found myself Homeless, alone, abandoned, scared and up for adoption.  There were rumors running rampant among the other dogs that if someone didn’t adopt me, soon, that I might be gassed and I saw a wall of dead dog memorials at the front entrance on the way in, I didn’t know what to think."

Today is a Happy Day I have a good home, great food and people who love me.  I don't know what else to say.  You can read my full story by going here. (Read my full Story)

I love all my friends:  Dolly

Saturday, May 2, 2015

On the Subject of Barkofarts

My Friend and I

I think I need to explain something to my human friends:  Have you ever wonder how Dogs say hello to one another?
Just seconds after my “D” gets home, he’s face to face with my wagging Stub (my tail was cut off as a baby, but that’s another story for another time), wildly excited I just can’t get enough of him.   I used to get so excited I would pee myself, but I’m a big Girl now and can contain myself.  He will then be blitzed by 9 pounds of motorized hair showering him with kisses. Actually, what he is really being showered with is my spit (He calls them kisses because it sounds better). But that’s not the only way I say hello?
Like you, I have five senses: smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste. Humans use the sense of sight as the primary sense for recognizing one another. Dogs, however, use smell. Smell is so important that a dog's sense of smell is thousands of times better than yours. Therefore, not only can I tell what a person smells like -- as opposed to a cat -- but I can also tell the difference between members of your human family based on their individual smells. (Lots of teenage human girls can smell their younger brothers when they are nearby, but that's because boys hate taking showers, not because girls possess high level sniffing abilities.)
I think that's poop over there
Dogs recognize one another by the smell of their pee and poop. That's why dogs greet each other not eye to eye, but nose to butt. By taking a quick whiff of my friend's behind, I instantly know who she's been with. That is also why I smell everything I can during a walk. By sniffing grass, bushes, trees and signposts, I know which other neighborhood dogs have been around lately.
Here is one more fact to consider when you are lounging around petting man's best friend: Dogs are farsighted; that means they have terrible vision up close. So they are far more likely to recognize who is nearby by smell rather than by sight.
That creates some interesting behavior when I am around other dogs.  If one leaves the room, even for just a few seconds, we both smell each other's bottoms when we see each other again. If I translated that behavior into words, it would go something like this:
Sniffing Butt:  Hey, where you been?
Sniffing My Butt:  I was in the kitchen getting a drink, but now I'm back.
Snif:  Want to take a nap?
Snif:  Sure. 

So what is the Moral of this story?  Next time when I send Barkofarts, just know it’s only my way of blowing you kisses. 

Sooooo, Licks and Barkofarts